Being careful with your financial situation is extremely important. Here are a few tips related to financial issues. While many credit cards come with the ability to transfer balances, a balance transfer credit card is one that offers a low introductory rate on balance transfers for a certain period of time. If you want to save money on a high-interest rate balance on an existing card, a balance transfer is a good way to go. Balance transfer interest rates vary – some are as low as 0 percent, but these usually have qualifiers such as a minimum of two transactions a month. The lower the promotional rate (and longer the promotional period) the more attractive the card is. However, you’ll often need good credit to qualify.
Obtaining a Payday Loan: Payday loan providers are typically small credit merchants with physical locations that allow onsite credit applications and approval. Some payday loan services may also be available through online lenders. To complete a payday loan application, a borrower must provide paystubs from their employer showing their current levels of income. Payday lenders often base their loan principal on a percentage of the borrower’s predicted short-term income. Many also use a borrower’s wages as collateral. Other factors influencing the loan terms include a borrower’s credit score and credit history, which is obtained from a hard credit pull at the time of application.
Terms: An unsecured loan is a loan that is issued and supported only by the borrower’s creditworthiness, rather than by a type of collateral, such as property or other assets. Credit cards, student loans, and personal loans are all examples of unsecured loans.
Encumbered asset: An item of value used as collateral or security for a loan, which has a registered interest against it, for example a property for which you have a mortgage is an encumbered asset. An unencumbered asset is one without any debt or interest registered against it, such as property for which you have paid off the mortgage.
For our finnish readers here is a resource that you might find useful : General finance advisor. Official cash rate (OCR): Defined by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) as an operational target for the implementation of monetary policy. Broadly speaking, it is is used to denote the interest rate which financial institutions pay to borrow or charge to lend funds in the money market on an overnight basis.
EPS: Finally, earnings per share is one of the most common things highlighted in an earnings announcement and provides investors insight into a company’s earnings health and often affects its stock price after an announcement. EPS is calculated by taking net income, subtracting the preferred dividends (for the sake of simplicity, let’s assume Hemlock Incorporated doesn’t pay dividends on preferred shares), and taking that difference and dividing it by the average number of outstanding shares. In the case of Hemlock, its current quarterly EPS is calculated by dividing its net income of $250 million by the company’s 37 million outstanding shares. When reported, EPS is typically compared to earnings from either the previous quarter or the same quarter in the previous fiscal year (year over year, or YoY). It is also used in basic valuation calculations like the P/E ratio.